by Linda Smith Harvey | Aug 25, 2015 | Abundance, Budgeting, Diary, Financial goals, Financial Planning, Goal setting, Saving, Uncategorized, Wealth nugget, Webinars
Tracking where your money goes A wealth nugget from Ocean’s Eleven I love the movie Ocean’s Eleven (and Twelve and Thirteen…) it’s got George Clooney and Brad Pitt – what’s not to like? It’s humorous and clever in ways that surprise the audience,...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Aug 18, 2015 | Abundance, Cash, Financial goals, Financial Planning, Gratitude, Saving
Financial Detox…. If you could change just one thing about your relationship with money, what would it be? (Please share your thoughts in the comments section below) Negative perceptions about your finances cause long-term stress and limitations. Just as too...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Aug 11, 2015 | Abundance, Budgeting, Diary, Financial goals, Financial Planning, Goal setting, Saving
Wow . . . we did it AGAIN . . . A new look for 2016. I am delighted to introduce my brand new 2016 Abundance Diary! I hope you like it! I love it – not only for its beautiful cover, but because I know that it will help you on your journey to abundance. You and your...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Aug 4, 2015 | Abundance, Budgeting, Cash, Debt, Financial goals, Financial Planning, Linda's thoughts
The challenge to change your finances… You may think that this is a bold statement to make, but if you’re ready for a challenge that will change your financial life…then keep reading… FEELING DISCONNECTED? HERE’S THE BACKGROUND We live in a time that is...