by Linda Smith Harvey | Sep 29, 2015 | Abundance, Budgeting, Cash, Debt, Diary, Financial goals, Financial Planning, Goal setting, Gratitude, Having enough, Ideal spending plan, Increase your income, Philosophy of abundance, Relationships, Saving
Invest in you! The Abundance Diary, is more than just a diary. It’s a helping hand to guide you towards financial peace of mind and abundance. It provides one place to easily track and manage your money! It allows you to bring structure and create order for your...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Sep 22, 2015 | Abundance, Budgeting, Cash, Diary, Financial goals, Financial habits, Financial Planning, Goal setting, Having enough, Uncategorized
The art of spending less and . . . feeling better Financial control is a skill that can be learned . . . Learning a new skill can be daunting, especially in an area that can be as stressful and worrying as money. The anxiety around money is most often linked to our...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Sep 16, 2015 | Abundance, Budgeting, Cash, Financial Planning, Money rules, Relationships, Saving, Wealth nugget, Webinars
Money rules that you can count on Healthy relationships are defined by two things: effective communication and healthy boundaries. The more you communicate with your friend or colleague, the more you will know about them and the more they will know about you. This...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Sep 8, 2015 | Abundance, Budgeting, Cash, Debt, Diary, Financial goals, Financial habits, Financial Planning, Goal setting, Saving
Abundance Journey Made Possible Benefits of owning the 2016 Abundance Diary The 2016 Abundance Diary is not just any diary. It is a dedicated abundance resource that will help you create the life that you want to be living. For years my Abundance Diary has been used...