by Linda Smith Harvey | Jun 28, 2016 | Abundance, Financial Freedom, Financial goals, Financial Planning
Financial Freedom starts with… Did you know that financial freedom starts with you, not with your bank balance? The concept of financial freedom is something that most people want to achieve in their lives, but what does it really mean? To me, financial freedom...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Jun 21, 2016 | Abundance, Budgeting, Debt, Financial goals, Financial Planning, Goal setting, Money, Spending
Do you have a financial plan? Let’s continue the money conversation (but not around the dinner table, remember!). If you look at people who are financially successful, most of them have been making good financial decisions all their lives. The sooner you start making...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Jun 7, 2016 | Abundance, Financial Planning, Goal setting, Gratitude, Manifest, Money, Wealth nugget, Webinars
Are you allowing money to flow to you? How are you allowing money to flow to you? Well, firstly money, sex and religion, they often say, are topics best avoided. That was certainly a message, that one understood, somehow it was instilled in me when I was very...