by Linda Smith Harvey | Oct 31, 2019 | Abundance Money Diary, Expenses, Financial habits, Gratitude, Income
Your Personal Wealth Did you know that your Personal Wealth is an important conversation? Who are you taking your personal wealth conversation to? You want to be time rich, you want the freedom to choose what you do, how you spend your time, your...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Oct 17, 2019 | Abundance Money Diary, Financial Freedom, Money rules, Saving
What you did learn about Money at school? Have you ever wondered why don’t they teach kids in school about money? Many say that learning about investing and saving, self worth versus net worth might have been helpful. In my workshops, many people...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Oct 10, 2019 | Abundance, Diary, Financial goals, Financial Planning
How do you FEEL about your Money? Getting your money affairs in order, could be the single most important thing that you do for yourself. When you think about money, do you avoid the subject, or do you gobble up information? The truth is that until you are the...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Oct 3, 2019 | Abundance, Abundance Money Diary, Diary, Financial goals
Money Mistakes that you MUST avoid! Financial success is influenced by they way in which you think about money. Some people don’t spend enough time thinking about money, they avoid doing their financial planning and others focus on the wrong things, like...