If you only have the money PRACTICAL skills, you won’t put them to use because you may not truly BELIEVE that there is a better way. You will still avoid things and get stuck. And if you only had the MINDSET skills, without the practical skills, you could still be broke because you don’t know what to do with your positive attitude.
It’s true; money really can be a source of serious stress in life. It can get a little crazy at times! With increasing expenses and inflation, there are more demands on your financial resources. These demands can be draining, especially when you feel that there is never enough money to take care of everything. From suicide week, that month-end anxiety time, to day-to-day spending, worrying where your money has gone and then stressing about debts, it will feel like you are just surviving and there is no room left for your goals and dreams. Sadly, it is a very common problem. Between the pressure to perform and juggling many balls, the idea of bringing financial clarity and peace of mind to your life, can seem impossible.
Do you want to have Financial Peace of Mind?
You may be a busy wife, a mom or a small business owner, (or all three) and you feel that daily pressure, as you work to balance the multiple demands.
This amazing resource, the Abundance Mindset Planner, gives you the ONE PLACE to gather your thoughts and bring order to your money. It is a tool that helps you to not only plan your days, but to outline your budget, plan your financial goals, organize your day-to-day spending habits, and most importantly, to track your goals as they come to fruition.
With the thoughtfully designed layout and inspirational financial themes, Linda’s Abundance Mindset Planner will inspire and enable you to take back your power with your money, manage your cash flow, allowing you to focus on both your short term and your long-term goals while navigating the daily, weekly, and monthly financial responsibilities of your life.
The ebb and flow of budgeting to increasing your income flow, the Abundance Mindset Planner is the CLARITY CREATOR that you have been waiting for and used correctly, will change your life in the most powerful and positive way!
Claim your Financial Power
Abundance Mindset Planner™ offers a tangible solution to the MONEY STRESS in your life, and it will also help you to take back your time and manage your schedule, allowing you to focus on your BIG goals while still navigating the daily, weekly, and monthly responsibilities of running your home. It is designed to help you find the CLARITY that you crave, to allow you to be the best version of yourself—the mom and wife and friend and person you want to be—while giving you permission to make your dream a reality. So much more than just a PLANNER, it will help you direct, balance, and organize your MONEY, including helping you to:

Manifest your Goals with Ease
We all know about the importance of setting a goal, in fact, anybody can SET a goal. The key ingredient following setting your goal is actually following through with consistent ACTION to ACHIEVE that goal.
The reality is that most people are much better at setting goals than they are at actually achieving them. It’s pretty easy to think about all those things you would like to do or be someday, or even to make a list of all the things you would like to do this year or next month. But how do you make sure that those distant dreams and far off goals become reality? You need a plan to manifest that goal and make it a reality. As the Universe reminders us: Intention is your Gig, Miracles are mine. To MANIFEST those miracles, you need to bring clarity to what you want. It is about being clear in what you are asking for. The Abundance Mindset Planner™ will help you to do just that.

Purchase your
Abundance Mindset Planner – 2025
for only R425.00
Bring order and structure to your Finances

- Taking back your power and confidence with money, IS the best GIFT to give YOURSELF! Track your plans as they come to LIFE!
Click here to read some testimonials of people who have used the Abundance Mindset Planner.
Ordering from outside South Africa, please click here for pricing.
What Makes this Planner Different from Other Planners?
Linda’s Abundance Mindset Planner™ is more than just a planner; it’s a helping hand to guide you towards financial peace of mind and abundance. The Abundance Mindset Planner provides one place to easily track and manage your money! It allows you to bring structure and to create order for your financial flow. Structure and order provide the clearing for miracles in the area of money!
We ALL love miracles. Manifestations made real.
Money loves to be organized and money loved to be saved. Money wants to work for you!
When you use the guidelines in the Abundance Mindset Planner, you create your ideal income and spending plan template, to allow and increase in your savings and a reduction in your debt.
Linda’s Abundance Mindset Planner™ is based on principles founded on an abundant mindset. The Abundance Mindset Planner allows you to manage your money goals and objections, while keeping an eye on your long-term and short-term goals. It features our Ideal Income & Spending Plan™ which becomes your financial blueprint, your financial heartbeat…
Plus, day to day spend tracking sheets, and a monthly Income Goal sheet, to record and monitor your income goals.
What Makes it Special?
We believe that staying organised and motivated is a whole lot easier when we have beautiful tools to work with. We chose the page a day structure, with space to record gratitude, your purpose fulfilling TO DO steps and your money saving results. We wanted to create something that was gorgeous and inspiring on the outside and the inside, on the pages we use every day.

Linda Smith Harvey
Hi, it’s Linda, I am so honored that you are considering my Abundance Mindset Planner to bring structure and clarity to your money. Getting your finances organised will be the best gift to give to yourself for your year ahead. You will enjoy peace of mind and improved quality of life. I am passionate about helping you to feel good about money, to understand your value and to live your dream lifestyle! I know that it will make a difference for you. All you need to do is commit to using it.
If you are looking for more tools to take your income and investments to the next level, you can also contact me about my Financial Coaching Sessions. I offer an initial complimentary call, to assess what you need and how I can assist you. Contact me at linda@abundancebydesign.co.za to book.