by Linda Smith Harvey | Sep 25, 2019 | Abundance, Diary, Financial goals, Goal setting
Your Abundance Journey as a LIFESTYLE Benefits of owning the 2020 Abundance Diary The 2020 Abundance Money Diary is that it is not just any page a day diary. It is a diary that supports your financial abundance journey. It is a dedicated abundance resource that...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Sep 19, 2019 | Abundance, Budgeting, Diary, Financial goals, Goal setting, Saving, Wealth nugget
Track where your MONEY goes! Did you know that tracking where your money ACTUALLY goes, could be a highly beneficial money activity that you can do for yourself? Knowing gives you key information, without which, you will be left WONDERING where it went!! ...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Sep 11, 2019 | Abundance, Diary, Financial goals, Saving
Wow, we did it AGAIN – a New Look for 2020! We are so proud to present our 2020 Abundance Money Diary. Another new look and this time, it’s for 2020. 2020 seemed sooo far away when I published my first edition in 2006 for 2007. In fact,...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Aug 28, 2019 | Abundance, Bitcoin, Crypto-currency, Money, Saving
Fun Facts about Bitcoin Today, I am excited to bring you some fun facts about Bitcoin. Why? Because if you have been wondering about Bitcoin, it is always best to do your own research. This may spark your interest! As I always share with...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Aug 22, 2019 | Abundance, Bitcoin, Crypto-currency, Goal setting, Income, Saving
SAVINGS, Bitcoin & Crypto-currencies I know that you have been saving regularly and you are probably building up your Emergency Fund. What’s next you may ask? From Savings . . . to Bitcoin & Crypto-currencies… Have you heard about...