by Linda Smith Harvey | Sep 4, 2019 | Abundance Money Diary, Financial Freedom, Goal setting, Gratitude, Saving
Are you INVESTING in YOU? I hope your answer is a resounding yes, that you are investing in YOU!! Linda’s 2020 Abundance Diary is an investment in your Financial Future. Because, only you can do it, for you!! Which brings me back to my question, are...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Aug 28, 2019 | Abundance, Bitcoin, Crypto-currency, Money, Saving
Fun Facts about Bitcoin Today, I am excited to bring you some fun facts about Bitcoin. Why? Because if you have been wondering about Bitcoin, it is always best to do your own research. This may spark your interest! As I always share with...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Aug 22, 2019 | Abundance, Bitcoin, Crypto-currency, Goal setting, Income, Saving
SAVINGS, Bitcoin & Crypto-currencies I know that you have been saving regularly and you are probably building up your Emergency Fund. What’s next you may ask? From Savings . . . to Bitcoin & Crypto-currencies… Have you heard about...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Aug 13, 2019 | Abundance, Goal setting, Income, Saving
Is SAVING Important to YOU? Today I share about the IMPORTANCE of SAVING. Here are my questions for you today: Do you want more time freedom? Perhaps you want to experience more abundance? Are you wanting your money to work hard for you? By taking care of...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Aug 6, 2019 | Abundance, Goal setting, Income, Saving
What is your greatest ASSET? Let’s talk about your greatest ASSET!! Most people think about property, buildings, cars, jewellery, gold, silver, even bitcoin and crypto-currency when they think about assets. So this asset may come as a bit of a surprise, in a...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Jul 31, 2019 | Abundance, Goal setting, Income, Saving
There is one problem with SAVING Do you know about the one problem with Saving? This often comes up in Financial Coaching sessions with my clients. It is very easy to end up with the problem and it can make saving seems even more difficult. I...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Jul 24, 2019 | Abundance, Goal setting, Income, Saving
What are the benefits of SAVING? Today I share about the BENEFITS of SAVING. So my questions for you today are: Do you want more time freedom? Are you the boss of your money? Do you have your money working hard for you? By taking care of your finances...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Jul 17, 2019 | Abundance, Goal setting, Income, Saving
Is there nothing left for your future? If you are not saving regularly, you are setting yourself up to worry about the fact that : “There nothing left for your future!” No matter how you read that sentence, it is not a pretty...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Jul 10, 2019 | Abundance, Goal setting, Income, Saving
Your cornerstone to Financial Freedom Money loves to be saved. Did you know that saving money is a cornerstone to Financial Freedom? And when you honour what money needs then money will be attracted to you, because saving brings you into energetic alignment to...
by Linda Smith Harvey | Jul 4, 2019 | Abundance, Goal setting, Income, Saving
Do you struggle to SAVE Money? Do you find that you constantly struggle to SAVE Money? That could mean that you feel like a victim, when it comes to money? The truth is that most people struggle with money management, wondering where it went or worrying...