
This is what people have to say about:

Abundance Diary:

Abundance Online Training:

Financial Coaching:

I like the abundance diary because it is an easy system that helps me manage my finances.
It keeps me on purpose. I love that it has a place for daily gratefuls.

Heidi Hall

I have just received my 11th Abundance Diary for 2021.
This Diary is such a big part if my life that I could not manage my days without it. Linda and her Diaries have been instrumental in my having savings for the first time in my life, giving me a sense of financial security. Forever grateful. Thank you Linda.

Jean Pritchard

Thanks Linda for this amazing diary, I have been using your diary for the last 5 years.
What I love about it…
I became financially aware of my income and spending and more focused on achieving goals which is so easy to do with your guidance.

Fadwa Booley

I love the monthly inspirations as well as the block to list all that I am grateful for every day.
I can’t wait to start using it. And the cover affirmation of “I am Enough” resonates deeply with me for where I am on my journey right now.
It is going to be a beautiful daily reminder. Thank you for putting this beautiful diary together🌈!

Lameez Patel

Dear Linda.. Thank you so much for your inspirational abundance diary. Every quote has been so positive and appropriate. My money skills have improved greatly and forward planning is so important as per the tips and financial advice you give us. Thank you Linda. Abundance for all is the motto… May 2021 be great.

Julia Ross

Thank you Linda for the wonderful, inspirational diary that I get from you every year. I can’t live without it.

Gorgeous green this year!! It helps inspire me to save. It helps me set goals with the practical “fill in” pages.

Thank you.

Wynne Garbers

I have been using the Abundance Diary since 2009 (loved the yellow look pages) and this diary has revolutionised my thinking, on how it can organise you and your financial situation, ALL in one place.
And especially writing the amount that you want to get in during the month and getting it, it really is the miracle of brain and thoughts achieving it. Thank you Linda!

Kind regards

My diary means so much to me as I plot my finances and my new year resolutions not to mention the many things I am grateful for.
The diary has had a positive spin off for me as I looked back over the last three years and found that some of my goals have materialized .
There is nothing better than writing down goals on paper for one to peruse at any given time. The diary helps one organize this every day. Abundance is the word.
Thank you.

Julie R

I have had the honor of having possessed 3 editions of Linda’s diaries to date. I already have the one for 2018 and can’t wait to start using it! It has helped me in the sense that I am reminded at the beginning of each new month to budget. The daily savings and gratitude is a big thing for us as we get so busy and forget. The Abundance Diary reminds me to give gratitude everyday. The daily inspirational quotes have become affirmations. I am hooked!

Luqmaan Gertze

I’m not sure how long I’ve been using the Abundance diary, but I think it’s been more than 8 years. I think the fact that I know how to use the diary (having attended the Saturday sessions) is an added bonus! I love the diary because it’s really an inspirational diary.

Micheline Grace Fortuin

My first copy which was your first release, was loved in such, that it used the language I learned during all the seminars of “the Journey” by Brandon Bays.
The Abundance Diary is a step towards “out of the box thinking” and implies a certain effortlessness, when it comes to take over your own money matters.
Thank you very much and I am looking forward to the latest edition.

Kind regards


I love the Abundance diary because it motivates me to keep track of my
finances in a clear and fun way. The diary is also packed with
insightful short articles at the start of each month as well as daily
inspirational quotes. The layout is such that each page gives reminders
on what to be grateful for, and money saved. It’s a great size and I
don’t go anywhere without it! It’s my diary of choice every single year!

Monica Dart

Hi Linda

Thank you for your healing wishes!

I have a friend. We meet on a Greek island about ten years ago. He is backpacking on less than a shoe-string budget.

I meet him 5 years later in Cape Town and discover he’s slaving in the IT industry.

Next thing I know, a few years on, he is following his dream career and has come into his own!

I ask him how has he done this? He tells me his sets intentions and they come to pass.

Where did you discover this? I ask.

With Linda Smith, he replies.

I decide to meet Linda, with my boyfriend, as we are about to complete a 5 year renovation journey.

Based on Linda’s financial coaching:

I am never broke, from that day on, and our renovation project goes from strength to strength!

I am no longer a slave to other people’s demands and wishes.

I discover that abundance is based on what I personally intend for myself.

I change my attitude to money and realise that there is enough to go around for all of us.

I let go and surrender to the universe and see abundance flowing into all aspects of my life.

Thank you Linda for guiding me to change my point of view:

It’s the process of life that counts.

I savour every minute of life, with gratitude.

Life is not about waiting for the end result.

Abundance is there for me right NOW.

All I do is reach out and touch it.

Love Caz

Dear Linda,

“My coaching with Linda has helped me to place my finances in a new perspective. I am aware of how to work with my finances without the destructive emotional baggage from my childhood. A lifetime of the wrong relationship with my money has given my future a new life through being coached by Linda. It feels awesome to have a good, responsible relationship with my finances.”

Please feel free to copy a pic from my website to attached to the testimonial. I wish you a great week and I look forward to hearing from you. Pleaese use my business e-mail for future contact;

Colin Lee

Dear Linda

Just a quick note to say thanks for helping so much I am doing much of what you taught me and its going great . Much to tell you and will contact you in a month or so to set up another appointment .All is going well otherwise

Lots of love

Dear Linda,

Hope you had nice weekend.
I would like to thank u again for your role on our path to freedom.


Dawid Potgieter

Dear Linda

I’ve been using your diary for the first time this year and have found it both well constructed and inspiring.

Jenny Wood

Hi Linda

Thanks so much for a fantastic coaching session! I am loving a whole new way of thinking and doing around money!

Nichola Meyer

Hi Linda

Hope you’re well. Happy new year to you.

I really love your website.

All the very best for 2008.


Hay there I have just bought one from exclusive books and am
thrilled….have already managed to save R350.00….Thank you so very
much for this fantastic diary:)

Shereen Young

Hello Linda

Thanks for your email – I bought the Abundance diary on the weekend and although I had already purchased another and had all my birthdays etc. in it, I quickly made the change and am now using (and loving) the Abundance diary.

You are so right about money prejudices that control how we think and deal with money. Thank you for the information, I shall digest it and think about it.

Kind regards,

Vanessa Witten

Hi Linda, got your mail and have enjoyed your site.
Well Done. You are a star and I’m proud of you.
Have a great day.

Dave Vaughan.

Dear Linda,

I would like to thank you and everyone that has made this possible for us to have received these diaries.
It really is a daily inspirational way to manage money and our lives.

Have a lovely week.
Warm regards,

Heather Redeker
“Gypsy’s Corner”

Dear Linda,
I just wanted to say thank you again for your FF journal! I love everything about it and really like to write down ‘what I’m grateful for’, ‘how much I’ve saved’, etc….It’s a great way to get a closer look at what one is actually doing with all the wealth!:)) I’m actually saving money now and really know the exact amounts of everything I spend or save….

Thanks again and all my best to you,

Angela Kersten

My debt was running & ruining my life, and since meeting with Linda on a regular basis, I am now at a point where I accept and own it and I can definitely feel the shift in myself and my attitude. I am excited about the fact that I have a plan to overcome it and it is all going according to plan, more quickly than I could have wished! One of my new affirmations is “I am debt free and able to afford everything I want and need”, and it is so true!!! My whole attitude about my finances and money has shifted and I believe that this is a very important factor in creating my new abundant life. I am so grateful to have such a practical and positive lady to work with.
You’ve assisted me to make such great changes in my life, thank you – it’s great to see things from a new perspective – if only I had been conscious of this before.

Louise Lotz

Hi Linda,

My sincere thanks for the Abundance Diary – it is a very useful tool and I am very grateful to you.

I have been to see the Bank, and they didn’t fall down in a dead faint nor look at me in total horror. Their attitude is that there are ways out of this. So I am feeling very positive and feel an enormous amount of gratitude for the assistance I am receiving all round.

My thanks to you again.

Sheree Chase

Dear Awesome Abundance “Instrument”,

So GREAT to meet with you also. Wow!

That resistance on Saturday morning would have made me miss out on ALOT of inspiration on your part, and insight and CONFIRMATIONS of STREAMS of thinking I have been having for a while but simply did not Action!! So now I am Accountable TO YOU!!

So my Gratitude is with You.

Linda, Please find attached my spreadsheet as requested.

Blessings in ABUNDANCE for a Great Week.

Thank You for sharing your gift.


I have been buying this diary for many years and find it helps me keep focused and encouraged. That said after not getting myself into the habit of using all the facilities it nevertheless has got me to be encouraged and also do workshops offered by Linda. I have enjoyed all and if not have my diary fear withdrawal symptoms – it a great addiction with many benefits for each and everyone no matter where u are in life. blessings all

Marcia Daley

Hi Linda

I am on track so far with my savings.

Here are a few things that I really love:

The planner per month of what I estimate my income is and what it will be
To track my spending
The daily messages
Gratitude on the diary day pages
The monthly themes (have to be honest have not done my vision board still look for magazines)
Tracking my saving weekly
The design and the layout!!

Thank you love my diary

Hester Ginsberg

“I now have a short term, medium term and long term savings vehicles since working with you one on one.
The abundance diary has empowered me to live comfortably and gratefully below my income so as to save.
For I now realise my wealth is determined by what I save not what I earn. I am so grateful to you for your Abundance Diary for I can now say I am blessed abundantly on all levels.
Thank you for unlocking the potential within me.

Humbled and grateful to be living my Powerful Passionate Purpose….”

Leigh Joy

Got your Abundance Diary, thanks! Looks great – my youngest was quite taken with everything in it!!! Thanks a mil!

Hi Linda, my sincere thanks for the Abundance Diary – it is a very useful tool and I am very grateful to you.

I love using Linda’s Abundance Diary because it supports me to maintain clarity with my finances, day by day & month by month. Using it over the years has helped me save more, settle debt & to feel more confident & at ease with my finances. I recommend this diary to anyone who wants to increase their financial peace of mind. It’s like a gift to yourself. My business is growing as I am more focused & grateful. Yes. I love the daily gratitude section too! Thank you Linda!!!

Roxy Marosa

Ever since my wonderful daughters gave me Linda’s Abundance Diary as a Christmas gift about 8 years ago, I have been spoiling myself with a copy each year. I find it inspirational, easy to use, and the advice is practical and valuable, plus I love the daily quotes. Can’t wait to start using my 2019 Abundance Diary – I feel motivated already!! Kathy Harrison

Joy Warries

Hi Linda, my sincere thanks for the Abundance Diary – it is a very useful tool and I am very grateful to you.


Dear Linda, I have been using your diary for the first time this year and have found it both well constructed and inspiring.


Dear Linda, I would like to thank you for the wonderful Abundance Diary. It really is a daily inspirational way to manage money and our lives.


Thank you so much for you wonderful ‘value for money in more ways than one’ Diary – it is fantastic and really helping me to save money.


Linda, it usually takes me weeks of thoughtful consideration before deciding on a diary to share my life with for a year – but this year, no hesitation. Thank you for a superb job, and a refined but practical work book. I just wish it was Jan 1st already (although I have started using the recording sheet already. Thanks in advance for guiding me through a prosperous year of abundance!


Dear Linda, I absolutely love the daily phrases and it’s incredibly handy for my monthly budgets etc. I think it’s the first time in my life when absolutely every page of my diary is full of appointments, ideas and a ‘to do’ list. I am enjoying full use of the diary.


I bake pancakes, rusks, fruit cakes etc at the farmers market. I’m so grateful for stumbling onto this diary. I live by every word for the first time in my life I’ve been able to save and my income has tripled. I feel I’m doing my share now. I live by faith and affirmations now – I am a money magnet. Thank you may you and your diary be blessed and bless others like I’ve been. Looking forward to next year’s edition.


Linda, thank you so much for a great diary. It arrived at a time when I really needed it now I’m hooked!


Thank You for sharing your gift. You Abundance Diary is a blessing in my life!


Thank you, Linda, it was a great pleasure speaking to you.

Before my Financial Coaching session with you, I was feeling depressed, thinking too much of my bills which i could really not afford to pay.
I was doing so many things wrong and I was not really taking stock of where my money was going.

I really to have that Coaching session with you. While we were still on the call, I was already feeling relieved of all stress. You told me stuff I needed to hear, in order to feel financially free. Your Financial Coaching gave me another perspective of money and the importance of saving.

Thank you very much, Linda.

From Sara Apollus
Vienna, Austria

I have recently been privileged to do Linda’s online Abundance Alchemy course and it has changed my life.
I have been meaning to face my fears and tackle my finances through doing one of Linda’s courses for a couple of years (have been using her Abundance Money Diary and love it) but kept on postponing. Earlier this year I somehow convinced myself the time is NOW and enrolled for the course and I do not regret it for one minute. In the beginning of the course, I was surprised that she did not immediately start talking about numbers and budgets and passive income etc. Instead, the focus was on developing our consciousness and awareness around abundance, helping us understand our own believes about the concept and measure its truth. This is where the greatest power of the course lay for me, realising that abundance is not only about money, but that the concept of abundance includes joy, hope, love, peace, relationships and literally every aspect of your life. She brought me from a place of not only fear and scarcity thinking about money but a general place of scarcity, not realising that I have an abundance of EVERYTHING in my life and that I am the source of that abundance! I now know that I am enough and that I can create anything in my life that I desire as long as it is linked to good intentions for everyone involved.
I loved every part of the Abundance Alchemy course and can with great confidence and enthusiasm recommend working with Linda.
Thank you Linda, it was a privilege and I look forward to continue working with you on my personal abundance journey.

Warm regards


‘As I expected of Linda’s finance course and her guidance, I really had time to dig into my patterns and beliefs surrounding my financial life and how it takes part in the actions I do in the rest of my life. With Linda’s assistance, I formulated a really solid way forward and I have stuck with it, which for me means that it works for me. It took quite a bit of courage to be completely honest and real with myself about my relationship with and the practicalities of my finances, but the benefits I’ve received from taking the baby-steps process have been well worthwhile. Thank you Linda. xxx’


Hi Linda

It was a great pleasure speaking to you.

Before my 30 minute session with you, i was depressed, thinking too much of my bills which i could really not afford to pay. I was doing so many things wrong and i was not really taking stock of where my money was going.

I really needed to speak to you. While we were still on the phone, i was already feeling relieved of all stress. You told me stuff i needed to hear, in order to feel financially free. Your coaching gave me another perspective of money and the importance of saving.

thank you very much, Linda.

Best Regards


Linda’s course has inspired me to take control of my finances with other like minded people, what I have enjoyed the most is getting rid of the old thinking around money and all the empowering tools we get in every session.

Eva G
Johannesburg, South Africa

I have learned SO much from Linda’s wisdom. It’s such an exciting journey to be on… I’d recommend it to anybody who is serious about creating a new relationship with money. Thanks Linda!

Karen F
Cape Town, South Africa

Linda has a wonderful way of putting her message across. You are constantly having “aha” moments during the bi-weekly workshops. Our savings have increased from 8% to 30% of our monthly earnings! Thank you Linda for being my teacher, mentor and friend!

Carol G
Cape Town, South Africa

Linda has helped me move from a season of frustration and lack to one of positivity, profitability and prosperity. I am now able to experience peace knowing that I have what it takes to succeed in this journey. The classes are very simple, yet profound and if one is committed to put the work in the results are guaranteed. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for the next level in the area of finance and abundance.

Nthenya M
Nairobi, Kenya

Before I took part in the Abundance Money Flow course, I was always worried about money. There never seemed to be enough coming in to do the things I really wanted to do. I always have to settle for less and make do with what I could afford.
I read lots of books on Abundance and manifesting and but had limited success and little commitment. I can now see that this was a repetitive pattern in my life.
Linda’s course gave me a feeling of support and encouragement. Even though signing up was going to put me in another tight financial spot, I really felt that it was exactly what I needed. My relationship with money is like a blossoming romance. Gone are all the fears and worries about having enough. Money is just showing up when I need it now, in increasing amounts, and my business is off to a great start. The effort I am putting in now is a pleasure rather than a stress. Doing Linda’s course was the best investment I ever made. My amazing new friends on the course supported me and each other through challenges and ups and downs. Thank you Linda for the amazing impact you have had on my life.

Paul Grant

The webinar course was one of the best presents I’ve ever bought myself! You will learn things you never thought would have such a great impact on you or your finances! I really think Linda’s School of Abundance is for everyone!

Mariaan C
Wellington, South Africa

It’s been a remarkable experience. My awareness about money has shifted completely. I’ve doubled my income, but probably the most important shift has been becoming aware of the way I view money and finances. I have always felt overwhelmed, It’s been a chore and I’ve always felt that I was not particularly good at it. This has shifted completely.
Thank you Linda!!

Charmaine Lehmann
Pilates Instructor, Moving Arts

This course has been life-changing. Not only has it helped me improve self-worth, but it’s helped me save between 30-40% of all that I earn, quite comfortably and helped me double, and nearly triple my income. There has been such a shift in my money story and the way I view money and I’m so much “richer” – in all aspects, for it!

Bailey Scheinder
Cape Town
MC, TV & Radio Presenter, Smile FM, 2Oceans Vibe & Expresso

Thank you Linda! Between the intro course and our second session I was ready to give up. I wanted to divorce my husband and just run away. But with your course……I cannot explain to you all what a change it has brought into my life, my family.
My 18 year marriage is amazingly stronger than before. I feel great, I feel open to success!

Vivien Dick
Port Elizabeth

If your issue is financial health, I can highly recommend Linda’s online course. Linda creates a nurturing space in which to explore your feelings
and beliefs about finances.

Vicky Hindmarch
Health Practitioner

I joined Linda’s course at a time that was undoubtedly my most challenging year financially. Linda’s course and the wonderful family that she formed on Whatsapp (for all course members) made it so much easier for me to stay focused and do what was necessary to get through.

For me the change to my view on saving and paying myself first made the biggest difference. It was a complete change in perspective. I am one of those people who always knew that I should save but I always paid my creditors first. I was waiting for the day that all my expenses, emergencies (mine and others) and creditors were paid before I was going to look after myself. It took a big leap for me to change my view but I have done it and I can see what a difference it is making and will continue to make in my life going forward.

I would definitely recommend the course to anyone who feels they need a new perspective on money and their wealth. Thank you Linda and the Abundance Team!

Monica de Sousa
Johannesburg, Lawyer

Linda and her Abundance course crossed my path at exactly the right moment. I was crippled by debt and feeling ashamed, burdened and defeated.
Attending the financial sessions, it opened my mind and changed everything. I am so grateful.

Vilma Maritz
Change Agent – Initiatives of Change

Since starting the course, I feel that I am supported. I am not defined by my debts. I have broken the cycle and I feel powerful. I have now started saving, listing to myself, trusting myself, things that I had never done before the course! It feels great!

My mindset has changed. It was a huge shift for me. The feeling of gratefulness and having a much better relationship with money is awesome I loved the debt freedom plan and doing the money story exercise allowed me to understand where it all started. It has given me the power to overcome the blocks that were holding me back. These were very valuable aspect of the course and I loved the journey, every step!

Today, as a result of the course, I am so much happier and positive about life ready to live my best life and I feel very excited about that! Thanks Linda!

No matter what I did, I seemed to only dig myself deeper into debt and financial chaos. It all seemed impossible to unravel.

Linda helped me take a lot of small steps that made me more conscious of my spending habits and my relationship with money. Within weeks, I felt a sense of control coming back. It gave me the confidence to tackle my situation, and by doing so, other aspects of my life have benefitted. By adopting an abundant attitude, I no longer feel anxious around my finances – and I confidently budget, pay my debts and save for my own future.

Linda Baker
Cape Town

I am no longer afraid to check my finances and when I do it, it is with a positive, problem-solving attitude. I realise I am in charge of my own destination, and saving benefits me!

I have paid off three of my accounts since the start of the course. Also, for the first time in years, I actually had money in the bank the day before payday! Knowing that I am tacking my debt, have a plan and am implementing it has been a huge shift for me! I have loved the financial vision process; it has been incredible to create along with fixing the leaks

Having the support of Linda and the group through difficult times made a difference. Now I feel emotional freedom. That cloud over my finances that hangs over my life has drifted away – knowing that I can – and am- adopting a new approach to my money that will serve me in the long-term.

Linda Baker
Cape Town, The Enviropaedia

The biggest shift for me is actually realising that I can survive on my income where before I felt stressed, anxiety etc. Now I am at a point where I can save up and pay debt off faster. I can pay unexpected bills. I am more prepared in a month and I plan ahead.

I am most proud of paying off some of my debt. Also realising that I could actually pay off the kids school fees for the rest of the year with the savings I had. That was a great moment. My other proud moment was for being more strict on my teen and giving her a budget and budget plan.

I am more open with my husband. This course has actually saved my marriage. I was at a low point with finances, marriage and being a mother. I felt like a total failure and just wanted to give up. With the intro session I started seeing the light but still had this dark cloud over me. By module 2 I was a total different person. Even my husband has changed for the better and this just off my vibes. I would not change this journey for anything in the world. It was an eye opener on how easy it is to just adjust yourself and your vision in life. I am enough and I can achieve.

I am happier and on track with my life. I have a target that I ….. We are working towards. I am not on an Island of my own anymore. The whole family is making a success in our dreams. We are all building towards an new house and new beginnings. The foundation of our finances has been laid down and we are going to succeed.

We are so aware what we say about money now. It is just so amazing how you can adjust your thinking, your outlook and your vision. This is truly a journey I would take again. Thank you Linda for opening my eyes to what is right in front of me.

Vivien Dick
Port Elizabeth, Senior Client Service Manager

I have always avoided the subject of money, saving it for one day along with spirituality. Somehow I have connected with both on this course after realizing how both are connected to each other and are vital to me living a fulfilled and abundant life. So with this course I have gained more self confidence and belief within. I have set big financial amounts to achieve that previously scared me, but now see it as a game. If my life is going to pass anyway, might as well take a risk being and doing great things.

My biggest shift thus far has been my awareness of what I have in my life to be thankful for. This is reinforced through my practice of gratitude and reaffirming that I have enough. With it a lot of fear and feelings of lack have disappeared.

Learning how my words create my reality. This blew my mind and had me paying more attention to the communication around and within me. The decision of doing this course has awakened things about me that I have the complete power to change. Everything we are learning… Energy, thoughts, words, beliefs, feelings and expectations.

Since the course I am richer in finances and spirit. I also have a much better direction for my life. My work life and my relationship with family, friends and with myself are so much better. This course and Linda has been a God send and one thing I am grateful for is making the decision to invest in it and myself.

Grant Whitman
Self-Employed Freelancer, Cape Town

I was living month-to-month and drowning in debt from credit cards, accounts, loans and loan sharks. After doing this course, my relationship with money and how I treat myself changed and I now have a new life, literally. I have seen my income, both from my work and from outside projects, treble and I am experiencing a life that is rich, full and emotionally rewarding.

Mark Scheepers

I found sharing my “Money Story” was very cathartic; it was like opening the door that I had closed on myself where I had hidden my guilt and shame. As a result, I have taken my power back and am now virtually debt free, manage my money on a daily basis, know exactly what I have spent and am able to control unnecessary purchases/spending.

Carol Geldenhuys
Cape Town

I have paid off my credit card! This really is a testament to just how amazing your Money Made Abundant course is. I wouldn’t have done it without you. I am saving a whopping R3000 a month into that “rainy day” fund.

Kate Ferguson
Cape Town

Linda’s course has helped me move from a season of frustration and lack to one of positivity, profitability and prosperity.

Nthenya M

At the time that I first me Linda I was struggling financially.
I met her at  a networking breakfast and I remember at that time,
I could just afford a tea – no egg and bacon!
I met with Linda monthly for a number of years after that and her
support was incredible.
Linda helped me with the pricing of my services and also with setting
monthly intentions. 
My business grew beyond what I ever would have imagined!
Thank you Linda for your love, care and support.
You are an angel!
Su Crowsen
BAS(UCT), Pr.Arch.Tech, CI
Cape Town

A friend recommended that I contacted Linda to help me with my issues concerning money. I have always had a bad relationship with money. I never knew how much I had in the bank.. I spent when I felt happy and spent when I was sad. Money became ultimately my enemy as I spiralled deeper and deeper into debt. I feared looking at my bank statement, especially at the end of the month when the bills had to be paid. I finally came to Linda, ashamed, and desperate with a huge overdraft.
Today after 8 months I am in credit at the end of the month after bills have been paid!! Linda has helped to give me back my power and my pride. I have a renewed respect for money and I have lost my fear. Oh what freedom!! Thank you, dear Linda… Barbara – Travel Operator

When I first went to see Linda, my monthly expenses exceeded my income. It was something that worried me all the time. After several consultations with Linda, using the principles and practical solutions she showed me, I have tripled my income. I have since been able to buy my dream car, gold Golf 4. I am also saving 25 % of my monthly income and I can’t remember when last I had a headache. So, thank you, Linda! My whole outlook on my life has shifted from one of fear and anxiety to an experience of abundance and freedom, financial freedom.

Helene v Z – Goldsmith & Jeweler Designer

F R U S T R A T E D is a word I would perfectly describe how I felt running a new Guesthouse in Camps Bay. Not knowing how to make a difference was really draining me of my optimism and energy. Well I am thrilled to say that this is DEFINITELY a thing of the past. The day I made my appointment a year and a half ago with Linda at Financial Freedom, was the first day of very exciting journey for me as well as the developments within the business itself. I have doubled my turnover from one Season to the next and with peak times in the season tripling my turnover.

Financial Freedom is not about fixing your business like there is something wrong with it or something wrong with the person who is managing it, it is about constantly looking for what is merely missing that one might have missed along the way and putting it into the business and THAT would have it make a huge difference. Be it turnover, staff relationships or putting structures in place that work.

I am proud to say I have a business with Integrity and that is why it works and THAT, I owe to Financial Freedom. Thanks Linda – THE Financial Coach who truly has made a profound difference in my life and business.

Tamara G – Guesthouse Manager
Camps Bay

We are all taught to have manners, how to dress, walk, talk, drive, eat and sleep – but never are we taught to understand money except for the one biggest lie: ‘that money is scarce and hard to come by’! Linda’s Financial Coaching taught me a new way of thinking about money and life –and in 4 months our results are astounding.

Dawid P – Architect
Somerset West

When I met with Linda Smith as a businesswoman with two successful businesses, yet my short term debt overwhelmed me. A year later, I have had a quantum leap in my financials due to Financial Freedom. Linda’s encouraging, assuring and deeply philosophical nature/approach underpins the financial plan that we set at each of our mostly fortnightly meetings. EVERY intention we have jointly set has manifested in my life. Linda’s financial freedom coaching has been and, will continue to be, the best investment that I have ever made.

Sally M – Strategic Marketing Consultant
Camps Bay

Since consulting with Linda Smith of Financial Freedom, she has empowered me to move from a significant overdraft and a constant panic about having enough money to fulfill my financial obligations, to a wonderful place of financial freedom. I have no overdraft; I was able to travel overseas and return with no debt, I have updated my car and bought a laptop. But more importantly I have changed from a consciousness of never having enough, to one of abundance. My holistic healing practice is constantly growing and more opportunities to work in the Human Development field using Transactional Analysis are manifesting themselves. I have learned to work with positive intentions and am always amazed and excited at how the intentions for each month manifest. Linda’s professional guidance has been a significant part of my overall growth – I can highly recommend her.

Karen P – Therapeutic Aromatherapist & Reflexologist, Human Development Facilitator
Cape Town

Linda’s financial coaching has assisted me in my catering business. My catering business called Ambrosia Catering has grown from strength to strength since last year, when I started with Linda. I would highly recommend any new business or current business owner to make an appointment with Linda. She is so full of wonderful ideas and really cares about the success of your business. She has given me many different directions to market my target market and it’s up to you to fulfill on those directions. Make an appointment with her, I promise you, you won’t ever regret it!!!

Beatrice – Catering
Cape Town

When I decided to work for myself last year, I was not sure it was the right thing to do. I had only a few clients and finding new clients was a constant worry. I’d have sleepless nights, worrying how I’d ever be able to make it on my own. When I met Linda, she was (and still is) one of my clients. She told me about Financial Freedom. It was not until a few months ago that I decided to see Linda for some financial coaching. I was amazed at what there was to learn. I now feel that I don’t necessarily have to go chasing after clients – instead they find me! I could now afford to buy myself a brand new car, my business has grown tremendously and I don’t worry about money! Thank you Linda for helping me to be successful in my business and helping me make my dreams a reality.

Cape Town

I started working with Linda to increase my income by using all my gifts and talents. Having stepped out of the secure business world environment to be able to focus more on my singing, I was not earning anything at the time. I originally thought I could only have a financial coach if I had existing finance to get coached on – I soon discovered that this was not financial coaching, but Linda had an ability to cut through all the fear based lies we tell ourselves and start creating from nothing.

It was soon clarified that I could embrace both worlds as income earners. There were many moments of hopelessness and despair. What was soon clarified was that I could have it all. Return back to my working business career in Europe and have a singing career. I went on holiday back to Greece and ex clients who heard I was back approached me with job offers. Inside of having identified that what was inspiring for me was to work with international markets. I was offered a job with a large export company to be Director of Export & New Business Development. I am currently working all over Europe, Australia, Japan & Latin America. During my first business trip to Germany, I came across a music producer at an exhibition -not related to music at all – who was interested to produce & distribute my music through gifting channel in Europe. Whilst working 12 hours day, plus a further 3 hour commute between work & home – I have more energy now even to go out with friends. The latest breakthrough was going out on the weekend and bumping into a great upcoming funk band who invited me to their gig – I got up to sing with them and in the audience was a European record label Director as well as a A&R manager for New York labels – all gave me their business cards to launch my career in Europe and the US.

All of this just arrived as a gift on my doorstep – as we had created this last year! Not having any idea what or how it would come about. I am currently earning three times more per month and by the end of the year will double this amount – through my work alone. As yet, I cannot quote what the music will bring, but if I look at what has unfolded so far – it seems my little dream stone house on a Greek island will soon become a reality. No doubt the financial planning with Linda created miracles in ways I never would have imagined.

Kanelli S – Singer
Cape Town / Greece

You give such an excellent service and you really made a difference in my life….
You created mysteriously richness for me! Remember that I couldn’t save a cent (for example to fly to Germany!) After meeting you I made the money to take myself AND Julian to Germany: in only six months! This year we are going all on a holiday to Kalahari National park! So: Thank you Linda!
I still save 10% of my income, pay myself first and next year I would like to invest my savings in something which makes my money work for me!
Felt you needed to know this! 🙂 And your potential clients should know this!!!!”

Petra S – Casting Agency
Cape Town

The financial coaching with Linda have been extraordinary. Initially I thought we’d just talk about my money and how badly I was managing it. Which we did! But there was a whole lot more in store.

We began using intentions to generate monthly income, one of the reasons my annual turnover trebled in two years. With Linda I started to create the future of my business, to get clear exactly where I wanted to be headed. Being a one man show (I’m an actor and stand-up comedian) that kind of partnership has been invaluable.

I’ve also had someone holding me to account. We’ve created structures (which I resist like anything) for all sorts of things, including writing and managing my spending, two areas in which I’m clear that leaving me to my own devices is a dangerous proposition!

Some of the results I’ve generated include sorting out my tax situation, buying a laptop and a new car (I was putting off the latter for 3 years), and establishing myself as one of the top comedians in the country.

My experience of Linda is that she’s totally committed to her clients creating miracles in their businesses and experiencing complete freedom and ease around generating abundance. Her coaching is rigorous, yet light, and she brings a real warmth and generosity to people. I highly recommend her services.

Nik R – Professional Actor / Stand-up Comic
Cape Town

Joining the Webinar course was one of the best presents I’ve ever bought myself! It doesn’t matter if your finances are a mess or not, somewhere during the course you’ll find your “light bulb “moment and that will bring everything together for you.

Mariaan Cronje

Thank you so much Linda.
The session with you made me realize that I am worthy of paying myself first.
I am just as important than Tithing. God gave me the ability to learn and understand things quickly and when we talked the pin dropped for me when you said I need to “pay myself” also like I do with the tithing.

I know all of these things but it was very good to talk to you. I was struggling to visualizing things into existence. You made me see the importance of writing what my ideal Income should be. By writing I will bring it into existence because I put it out there.

I would really recommend people who struggle with even the slightest problems with money to speak to you. You made me see the things where I can improve my finances to have a better life.

Thank you so much again.

From Mari Hunlun
Mossel Bay
Hartenbos Heuwels, South Africa

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