There is one problem with SAVING
Do you know about the one problem with Saving? This often comes up in Financial Coaching sessions with my clients. It is very easy to end up with the problem and it can make saving seems even more difficult.
I don’t want that for you, so today you can find out what this problem actually is and what you can do about it.
Learn about the PROBLEM with SAVING
I hope by now, if you have been following my video’s, you are prioritizing your saving!!
Saving is life changing on so many levels.
But it is not only about saving – that is just the first step.
It’s the first step to getting your money working hard for you!
Then the following step is what you do with your savings.
Are you willing to do whatever it takes to improve your finances?
Saving is your ticket to freedom.
Building savings is your passport to travel.
Regular saving is the number one practice that will allow you to achieve your dreams and goals.
The first step is to start saving, even a small amount.
The next step of consistent saving!
Saving like your life depends on it, because it does!!
How does that sound?
Each time you make a saving paying, you are adding to your BEST financial future! You will ultimately get your money working HARD for you. Is that your financial goal? Create time freedom when your money is working for you, while you sleep!
My recommendation is that you track your savings in your Abundance Money Diary. Acknowledging your actions and progress support you in achieving your financial goals. Doing this helps you to bring your savings goals to fruition!!
The key is finding the balance between what you make, what you spend and, ultimately, what you keep!
Here’s to your abundance!
Do you know my story about Saving?