Life is full of beautiful opportunities to make memories!  One of my childhood memories is of tracking how tall my brother and I were growing, it was a sign that we were growing older and getting bigger. My memory of this is probably not too dissimilar to yours.

Every few months we would stand in the doorway of our bedroom, with our back firmly against the frame, feet flat (my brother would make sure!), posture as perfect as possible.  Our dad would then gently lower the spine of a book down the frame onto the top of my head.  I would then step aside and he would draw a pencil line to mark my height and record the date next to the line.  He would then repeat the process for my brother.
This excited and motivated us.  The record of our height was a sign that we were growing taller; it was an activity that we never missed.  Sometimes we would grow a lot, and others there was barely a difference – but the growth was still recorded.  So on the ‘shorter’ days, we were able to look at the ‘longer’ days and remain encouraged.
Here’s a wealth nugget:  If you want to grow your wealth; record your income regularly and track your spending!
Just as we recorded our growth when growing up, we need to record the growth of our finances.  There are so many reasons why this is powerful but here are a few to ruminate on:
  1. Your focus is on the positive state of your finances, the area that is growing
  2. You can begin to maximise your savings and minimise your spending
  3. You can plan to achieve your goals
  4. As you achieve your goals, you can set new ones
  5. You can make adjustments to your Ideal Spending Plan as you progress
  6. You will improve your relationship with your money
  7. You will begin to reclaim your power of your money
All of that is possible as you decide to take control of how your future looks, as you begin to design your own abundance.
What’s more, you don’t have to have lots of different bits of paper lying around with all this recorded information.  You can do it all, and more, with your Abundance Diary.  On every page in my diary, where you write down your important appointments and notes to remember, there’s a block dedicated to recording how much you have saved.  Then, for every month, there is a page to record your monthly savings and goals; allowing you to keep all of this vital income-growing information in one place!
Here’s what Glenn Blake, of Chandramala – Multi Dimensional Events Destination, had to say:
“By using this simple and effective & inspiring diary, I have doubled my income within 3 months. The daily steps and guidance have helped me to be more focused and aware of my business.  Since using the Abundance Diary my finances are in the best shape ever! I don’t go anywhere without it, it is a part of me. I highly recommend all businesses and individuals to use one. Thanks Linda, your diary has changed my life.”
Remember to be kind to yourself and don’t feel bad if you have only grown a little bit (your savings…), tomorrow is an opportunity to see more growth.  Everyday will look different and that’s why it’s good to record your saving and spending as often and as regularly as possible.
Expand your income, grow your savings and see your goals becoming a reality as you use my Abundance Diary!  Click here to get one now.

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