Vivien said that the course SAVED her marriage
Karen gave up out of date beliefs
Mark experienced so many “aha” moments
Kate is saving a whopping R3000.00 a month
Tish is freed up to live her life in DOLBY STEREO
Those are some highlights of what others are saying about participating in my Abundance online course!
Vivien said that the course SAVED her marriage:
“I am most proud of paying off some of my debt. Also realising that I could actually pay off the kids school fees for the rest of the year with the savings I had. That was a great moment. My other proud moment was for being more strict on my teen and giving her a budget and budget plan.
I am more open with my husband. This course has actually saved my marriage. I was at a low point with finances, marriage and being a mother. I felt like a total failure and just wanted to give up. With the intro session I started seeing the light but still had this dark cloud over me.
By module 2 I was a total different person. Even my husband has changed for the better and this just off my vibes. I would not change this journey for anything in the world. It was an eye opener on how easy it is to just adjust yourself and your vision in life.
I am happier and on track with my life.
I have a target that I ….. We are working towards.
I am not on an Island of my own anymore.
The whole family is making a success in our dreams.
We are all building towards an new house and new beginnings.
The foundation of our finances has been laid down and we are going to succeed.
We are so aware what we say about money now.
It is just so amazing how you can adjust your thinking, your outlook and your vision.
This is truly a journey I would take again.
Thank you Linda for opening my eyes to what is right in front of me.”
Vivien Abrahmse Dick, Port Elizabeth, Senior Client Service Manager
Karen had this to say about my Abundance online course!
When you change your mindset, you change your bank balance! Is it time to take back your power with money?
Thanks for your feedback Karen!
“I signed up for Linda’s online training last year and I’m so glad I took the leap of faith!
I have learned SO much from Linda’s wisdom.
I’m busy dismantling some out-of-date beliefs about abundance and writing a whole new money story.
It’s such an exciting journey to be on… I’d recommend it to anybody who’s serious about creating a new relationship with money. Thanks Linda!”
Karen Fair, Cape Town, SA
This is what Mark said about my Abundance online course!
“I started working with Linda as part of her Abundance webinar group. At the time my debt review process had been terminated, I was living month to middle of the month and drowning in debt from credit cards, accounts, loans and loan sharks just to survive.
During that time the change in my attitude, and relationship with money has been amazing. The principles and lessons she teaches gives you so many “aha” moments that it’s impossible not to learn or at least identify where it is that you’re blocking your abundance.
My relationship with money and the way I began to treat myself, ushered in a new life, literally. I have seen my income, both from my work and from outside projects, treble and I am experiencing a life that is rich, full and emotionally rewarding. My anxiety around money and security has reduced significantly.
With Linda’s help and guidance I learn, grow and thrive a little more each day. I also have the joy of knowing how far our work together has brought me from what was once a seemingly hopeless situation.
I no longer borrow from loan sharks to survive. I thank God and the Universe each day for Linda, her work and her commitment to helping me achieve my financial goals and experiencing abundance.”
Mark Scheepers, Johannesburg, South Africa
Kate shared this about my Abundance online course!
Dealing with Debt can be effect the quality of your life, it can keep you up at night, it can prevent you from achieving financial peace of mind.
This is what Kate had to say after completing the course:
“I have paid off my credit card! This really is a testament to just how amazing your Abundance online course is. I wouldn’t have done it without you. I am saving a whopping R3000.00 a month into that “rainy day” fund.”
Kate Ferguson, Cape Town
Here is what Letitia Sullivan had to say after completing the Abundance online course:
“Before I did the first course I struggled with saving, meeting my financial commitments and dreaming about an abundance financial future.
Saving was always a myth.
I never thought I would have enough money to save and to build up a balance of money saved. I learned to save first, the pay out the money after payday. I was able to save for a holiday with my son in January this year.
It was phenomenal!
I never knew how much money I was receiving and how much I had to pay out. It was easier to stick my head in the sand, hope for the best and pray there would be money left to last to next payday.
I have learned to know what I owe, and pay the bills with integrity.
There is always money left over and there is an experience of freedom.
I used to think that dreaming of travelling and doing other stuff (that needed money) was not for me. I relied on my family for weekends away and holidays.
I have learned to dream, and dream BIG!
The opportunities arrive, I share about them and then create the holiday. It has freed me up to live my life in DOLBY STEREO and have fun always.
The course has brought integrity to other areas of my life, not just my money.
I get to create a life of freedom and fun ALL the time.
I love you Linda!”
Letitia Sullivan, Cape Town
Know as their Abundance Angel, by my clients I am passionate about empowering people in the management of their money.
As a teenager, I was intrigued by the way people ‘worked for their money’ and I often wondered how people could set things up to have their ‘money work for them’.
My dad explained that a bond (home loan) is like having a 20 year noose around your neck. That sounded like something I should avoid. Why not pay it off in 5 years, I thought!
My parents would sometimes remark the classic one that most of us heard at some point:
“Money does not grow on trees!” An odd statement, I thought, so with what I had heard about money in mind, when I started my first job, I immediately began to save between 25 and 50 % of my salary.

It started with SAVING!
What really tipped it for me, and grew my conviction was being told: “The world does not owe you a living.” At that point I knew, I better make a plan and my plan was to buy a house, so the intention was to build the savings to put down as a deposit on a house.
I bought my first property at age 21, putting tenants in helped to cover the home loan interest and the capital loan was paid off within 5 years!
Years later, I discovered, through assisting friends with their finances that my natural skill and ability with managing money filled a ‘gap in the market’. My natural aptitude with money, together with coaching training and experience, Financial Abundance Coaching was ‘born’!!
Financial Abundance Coaching
Financial Abundance Coaching is a method of inquiring and questioning that helps a person to think more clearly, go beyond ‘limiting’ past beliefs and gain new perspectives in the area of money. Coaching is an interactive process, a dynamic partnership that provides accountability and support on the journey to financial peace of mind.
I uses a holistic approach in my training. I blend practical tools and introduce spiritual and universal principles, providing an access to increasing the flow of money into your life and ensuring the experience of financial success through building assets and getting your money working for you.
My training and products provide simple and easy to use structures that support and facilitate easy money management, at all times. My priority is the financial well-being of people from all economic backgrounds, thereby facilitating an improved quality of life, increased productivity, focus, energy and vitality.
I am now called their Abundance Angel, by my clients I am passionate about empowering people in the management of their money. I offer speaking engagements, I am a workshop facilitator and writer. I am the founder of Abundance Money School and creator and writer of Linda’s Abundance Money Diary, Linda’s Abundance Journal.
Latest offering
My newest offering is my Abundance Alchemy online course.
Think about it, perhaps you want to improve your results with money!
That means, you want to feel more empowered, attract the right income opportunities, you want to feel good about your relationship with money, earn more, save more, build assets and get your money working for you!!
Is it time to remove those obstacles to abundance that might be holding you back?
Do you need to release subconscious limiting beliefs that might be keeping you in scarcity mode?
Are you ready to embrace abundance and to prosper?
To your abundance!
Do you know my story?