What is your most important expense?
Your most important expense!
“My most important expense?” you ask…. Why do I say that SAVING is your most important expense?
You may never have thought about your most important expense, in this way before. Did you know that while saving is your most important expense, it’s also one that so many people neglect, due to other financial commitments?
Without savings, you will never get your money working for you, so you will have to continue to work for your money. Is that what you want? I say, most likely not! You want more time freedom freedom to make choices about how you spend your time. Until you understand the power of saving, you will remain trapped in scarcity, which is not a comfortable place to be!
SAVING is important because you are actually doing it for you, and YOU are important!!
You are your most valuable asset and yet, for most people, saving is last on the list.
Another phrase for saving is “paying yourself first”! It is truly the most important payment that you will make!
Are you SAVING consistently?
Saving is about honouring yourself. Recognise your value in the way that you do your money.
After all, you are the one doing all the work. Saving is about paying yourself first. Yes, YOU first.
Action Step
Every time you receive money, no matter how small the amount might be, save a portion.
Your most important expense!
It becomes a way of life. A powerful and deliberate way to live your life and manage your money!!!
If you want to build WEALTH, it is not what you make, but what you keep that counts!!
If you want to shift your energy and your results with money, then you MUST challenge yourself to SAVE.
Financial peace of mind is the thing that you want the most
Plus, it FEELS GOOD to see your SAVINGS GROW!!
Let me know in the comments below, what you want to do, in the area of saving.
What are you committed to changing, to achieve your financial goals?
Here’s to your abundance!
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